Monday, December 30, 2019

Affirmative Action The Act Of Letting Someone Acquires...

Affirmative action, the act of letting someone acquires education and job opportunities because they were unable to do so before due to race, ethnicity, etc. Everyone came to the United States to learn and increase their education; however, due to the complications that some universities and schools enforce, how can they? America took years and years to convince that affirmative action is the best way for everyone to have the privilege to learn, regardless of race, ethnicity, or color. The baffling factor of how difficult the minorities have to face just so they can sit in a classroom and learn, while the non-minorities can benefit in all its glory. But atlas, things have changed. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Women have the equal†¦show more content†¦Even though they had that already, we can all learn together, right? We truly believe that affirmative action did set us on a wonderful path to help those who yearn for education and the workforce to have an equal chance jus t like everybody else; also, helps America become a more equal and diverse nation for all people. Everyone has the right to choose their career and academic goals, DO NOT decide for them because of the stereotypical image we all portray them as. If they want to be a Doctor, then we better see a whole lot of minority doctors. If the Whites get to have the same academic goals and higher learning like the minorities, then fine. Let them. Maybe this will take them off the â€Å"golden pedestal† for a while.  ¬Ã‚ ¬How does the â€Å"Ten Percent Rule† fall into affirmative action? Top headline: An incident happened at University of Texas  ¬where their â€Å"Ten percent rule† guarantees the applicant admission if they graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school senior class. Let’s freeze and define top 10 percent real quick. The top 10 percent defines as â€Å"campus officials attribute the results directly to the new state law granting automatic a dmission to students in the top 10% of their high school classes without regard to test scores, as well as to more aggressive recruitment activities† those who successfully achieve top 10 percent in high school that they are granted automatic admission to any school regardless of test

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises Relationships are an important part of life. From general friendships to romantic encounters, almost everyone has had some type of relationship. Sometimes relationships can get confusing, especially when love is involved. Most people, such as Lady Brett Ashley, from The Sun Also Rises, feel that love and sex go hand in hand in a romantic relationship. Although it is apparent that she is in love with Jacob Barnes, the main character, since he is not able to have sex, she does not want to try having any type of romantic relationship with him. You mustnt [touch her]. You must know. I cant stand it, thats all. (Hemingway, 34). This idea that one is not†¦show more content†¦Mostly because sometimes these flings become too attached to her and they just hang around all the time, trying to make something more out of it. Bretts gone off with men. But they werent ever Jews, and they didnt come and hang about afterwards.(148). During the war Jake, the main character, had an accident that made having a romantic relationship nearly impossible with anyone but a nun. From this incident, Jakes views on life and love have become quite different from Bretts. He understands that love and sex do not have to go hand in hand, but he also knows that this combination is what most people desire in a relationship. He tries to stay away from any type of romantic relationship because of this knowledge and ventures only into platonic relationships with women. Women made such swell friends. Awfully swell. In the first place, you had to be in love with a woman to have a basis of friendship. (152). It is very difficult for Jake to have to live with only platonic relationships because he was able to have romantic relationships before the war and so knows what he is missing. In order to cope with this reality, he resorts to various methods. The first is to have platonic relationships with as many people as he can. Jake is a nice guy who does not talk about himself very much and gets along with people very well. He knows many people who understand his dilemma and try not to remind him of what he isShow MoreRelatedThe Satire of H.G Wells1560 Words   |  7 Pagesindustrial revolution defined the means, while imperialism dictated who would have eventual control. H.G Wells explores both imperialism and the industrial revolution by taking them to extremes, and through his satire reflects the specific flaws of both processes as they changed the world around him. H.G Wells himself was a left wing socialist. Socialism essentially commands an abolition of class structure and a collective ownership of the means of production (Wikipedia, Socialism). Wells interest inRead MoreWhat The Two Basic Types Of Feedback Loops Are Positive Feedback2986 Words   |  12 Pagesgive an example for each. †¢ The two basic types of feedback loops are positive feedback and negative feedback. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used Free Essays

Vengeance is a powerful. Caesar’s slaying by Brutus sets Antony in motion to deceive his murderers into allowing him to speak to Rome. In his speech to the Romans, Antony turns Rome against Brutus using repetition to convey the irony in his own speech and discredit Brutus, as well as, applying meter to add emphasis to the mutiny, and contrast Brutus’s speech allowing him to connect with his countrymen. We will write a custom essay sample on Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used or any similar topic only for you Order Now Repetition is used powerfully throughout Antony’s speech to convey a multitude of thoughts, however, the repetition particularly lends to the irony of the piece. †¦let me not stir you up / To such a sudden flood of mutiny. † (188-189) is a prime example of the irony in his address. His intent from the beginning is to lead a revolt against Brutus and Caesar’s other murderers, the fact that he actually states he does not want to create a mutiny while stirring up these very same people to revolt is very ironic. Antony uses an ironic repetition to advance his efforts for a mutiny in the discrediting of Brutus. Before Antony takes the stage to talk to Rome, Brutus has just given a very lively speech and the Romans are partial to him. It is then necessary for Antony to use dramatic irony to deceive his countrymen that he believes that â€Å"†¦Brutus is an honourable man;† (61). When Antony first describes Brutus as honourable the audience agrees it is only after the fourth time he says this that the whole crowd realize the irony behind what he is saying.. Antony uses this irony to discredit Brutus’s honour and sway the Romans to join in a mutiny against Brutus. The meter in Antony’s speech is also a very key part in adding emphasis to the mutiny he wishes to instill in the Romans. Most lines have ten syllables however there are several lines with only nine syllables to add affect. Not only do these sentences have less syllables in common but also they end with ambition. For example â€Å"Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;† (72) the lost syllables place is taken by a pause that allows the Roman and the reader to reflect on the repeated word ambition. This pause allows the Antony to inflict the thought that it was not Caesar that was ambitious but Brutus instead. This meter allows Antony to incite the doubt of Brutus in the minds of Antony’s countrymen and incite them to revolt. Interestingly enough the meter in Antony’s speech also serves as a contrast to Brutus’s who spoke in prose. Antony is a nobleman as is Brutus and throughout the whole play the only part where their dialogue is not written in meter of some sort is when Brutus addresses his countrymen. Antony however speaks as if he is addressing another noble conveying the message that he sees them as equals to him, and that while Brutus speaks down to their level, Antony lifts them up to his equal. This allows him to then sympathize with his countrymen and relate to them so that it is easier to coax them to mutiny. How to cite Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Currency Depreciation on Financial Performance †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Currency Depreciation on Financial Performance. Answer: Introduction: 21st century is the era of internationalisation, where countries are getting attached with each other for mutual economic development (Altback and Wit 2015). For instance, Australia being one of the developed nations performs substantial amount of trade with the countries like UK, US and others (Cooper 2014). In order to shape the economy of the nations, international trade, plays an important role through determining the level of future growth. Exchange rate, on the other hand being the comparative value of domestic currency against the foreign currency takes a vital role in order to determine the flow of international trade. When it comes to Australia, then it can be seen that the country has a moderate exchange rate compared to the US dollar that makes it one of the stable economy in the world(Gabaix and Maggiori 2015). Determining the exchange rate is one of the toughest jobs due to eve evolving market scenario, however, over the period researchers has came with various solution (Corazza and Malliaris 2015). Among many, supply and demand framework can be considered as the simplest yet effect tool to determine the foreign exchange rate market. (Gilpin 2016) According to the given requirement for this task, below is the analysis of Australia US exchange rate through supply and demand framework as shown in figure 1: The figure below highlights the demand and supply framework of Australian exchange rate, where the demand curve D is drawn, which is based on the derived demand of the Australian goods and services. On the other hand Supply curve S in figure 1, has been drawn considering the importable aggregate demand (Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas 2016). Let the initial equilibrium takes place at point E, where the AUD/USD exchange rate is 80C USD against every unit of AUD and the AUD demand is Q. Now if there is rise in the demand of the AUD to the US citizens, then it will shift the demand curve D to rightward D1 position. At D1, equilibrium occurs at E1, where the AUDUSD is hypothetically as high as 81C USD for each unit of AUD. On the flip side, if there is fall in the demand of AUD to the US citizens, then it will lead to fall in demand from D to D2. At the new demand situation, equilibrium occurs at E2, where AUD hypothetically fell to 77C USD for each unit of AUD. Thus, depending upon the demand and supply framework, AUD/USD exchange can easily be explained as well the factors that can alter the same (Jammazi et al. 2015) Considering the explanation of foreign exchange rate scenario of the Australia US trade, it can be stated that Australia is one of the developed nations that follows the flexible market system (Wiedmann et al. 2015). Under various circumstances foreign exchange of Australia can get altered and supply and demand can point those factors easily. Factors that can lead to the fluctuation in the Australian dollar are as follows: Inflation rate with rise in inflation rate, there will be reduction in the demand of Australian dollar to the US citizen. Lowered demand will lead to fall in exchange rate on behalf of the Australia and it will cause depreciation of the Australian currency (Weale et al. 2015). Interest rate with change in the interest rate, there will be change in the foreign investment in the Australian bank, which in turn can lead to alteration in the foreign exchange of the Australian dollar. If the interest rate gets higher, then it would cost rise in exchange rate of AUD in terms of USD (Engel 2014). On the other hand a fall in interest rate will lead to depreciation of the AUD in terms of the USD. Growth rate with better gross prospect Australia can have their AUD appreciated in terms of the USD. Better growth will lead to rise in capability and stability of the nation and it will reflect on the US investors mind too. With better growth prospect, Australia can provide a positive outlook on the foreign investors, which will inherently appreciate the AUD. Nominal exchange rate can be acknowledged as the domestic currency number needed have a unit of foreign currency (Eichenbaum et al. 2017). If there is rise in nominal exchange rate, then it will lead to nominal depreciation and if there is fall then it will be nominal appreciation. Trade Weighted Index (TWI) on the other hand is one of the the multilateral exchange rate calculated through weighted average to domestic currency and foreign currencies utilising the average trade values between two countries (Caselli et al. 2015). Nominal exchange rate of figure 2 highlights the real AUDUSD exchange rate scenario. From the diagram it can be seen that there has been various ups and down in the nominal exchange rate between the two countries. AUDUSD nominal exchange rate hit its lowest during mid of 2015 due to recession in the US market (Jung and Kuester 2015). And next to this, nominal exchange rate of Australia has been trying hard to stabilise itself. From the upward sloping nominal exchange rate line it can be said that, present rise in iron ore demand and slump in the USD is leading the AUD to rise. Highlights the TWI of the Australia that highlights over the time there has been various fluctuations caused by the alteration in trade between two countries. During September of the 2015, there has been lowest amount of trade between the Australia and US due to recession in the US market and since then the trade has been rising between these two countries (Deutsch 2015. Post recession of 2015, it can be seen that there has been a rise in the TWI and presently with higher trade value between two countries TWI is tending towards a better future, highlighted by upward sloping TWI in the figure 3. Given article highlights various driving forces that can alter the AUD exchange rate in terms of the USD. The article initially highlights that there is rise in the AUD in terms of the USD, due to the recent slump in the USD (Ismail 2018). In addition to this recent rise in the export of the Australian tech metals has enhanced the countrys exchange rate in terms of the USD, however, once the mining boom is over and the USD get back to its strong position, then AUD will again slit back to the 70C bracket. In addition to this, the article has highlighted that Australian mining market is facing boom, however soon Chinese iron industry boom will constrain the same leading to fall in the AUD in terms of the USD (Gauvin and Rebillard 2015). The report additionally highlighted that there is fall in the Fed rate, which is causing a reduction in the investment in US banks, and a rise in investment of the Australian banks. Once the Fed starts to raise the interest rate, it will dry up the AUDU SD exchange rate again, as asserted by the given report. It can be seen that hypothetically Australian exchange rate demand and supply comes at equilibrium at point E, where the exchange rate is Ex and the quantity demanded of the AUD is Q. Now if there is rise in interest rate or country face growth due to expansionary fiscal policy, then it will lead to higher AUD demand to the US citizens. Higher demand will shift the initial demand curve D to D1 leading to rise in exchange rate from Ex to Ex1. On the other hand, if the AUD gets depreciated in terms of the USD, then it will lead to fall in the demand of the AUD, shown in the diagram by D2. At D2 demand curve, equilibrium occurs at E2 point, where the exchange rate is Ex2. So, it is clear that factor explained in the given article can easily be explained with the demand and supply framework of exchange rate (Feenstra 2015). If there is depreciation of one currency in terms of the other currency, then has both the positive and dark side. For instance, if there is depreciation of the domestic currency in terms of the foreign currency, then it would lead to better export for the domestic country (Cole and Nightingale 2016). With lower price of the domestic goods and services, foreign individuals will prefer to opt them at higher quantity, which in turn will lead to rise in the export and enhanced Balance of Payment for the country (Gabaix and Maggiori 2015). On the other hand, domestic investors or importer will face loss because there importable of buyable will become costlier with depreciation of the domestic currency with respect to the foreign currency. Considering this general economic framework of depreciation of domestic currency, being the manager of the firm that import electrical machinery, it can be said that the firm will face loss. With AUD became depreciated in terms of the USD, firms importa ble will become costlier, which will lead them to rise price. With higher price demand will fall, which will force them to price rise again (Mbogo 2015). The cycle will continue until there is equilibrium in demand and supply situation takes place for the importable. Whatever the equilibrium is, with lower AUD in terms of USD, importer will face loss and on the other hand here will be rise in export. Higher export will enhance the Australian balance of payment, which will ultimately lead to better off to the Australian economy. If the Australian dollar stabilise around 72C USD for each AUD, then various corrective measure can be taken by the Australian reserve bank to bring the AUD back to the 80C mark. Australian economy is growing at a stable 6.9% annual growth rate, however recent reduction in the Australian iron ore demand is leading to fall in the AUD in terms of the USD (Weale et al. 2015). This has effectively reduced the AUD exchange rate because Australian mining sector provide a substantial part to its GDP. In addition to this, it has been seen from the given article, there is a widening gap in Australian and US interest rate (Ismail 2018). With interest augmentation of the Fed by US, Australia can soon loss some amount of foreign investment, which will lead to fall in AUD exchange rate (Hofman et al. 2016). Thus as the corrective measurement to bring he AUD to 80C USD, Australian government need to utilise the tech metals export boom and additionally go for the export promotion. It will constrain the Chinese iron ore boom and help the Australian iron ore to insert into the US market . Next to this, Reserve Bank of Australia needs to enhance the interest rate, which will lead to rise in AUD through higher foreign investment. Above mentioned steps can certainly bring in the AUD to its desired position, however when it comes to the reasonability of the policies, then it is subjective in nature. As mentioned by the Gantz (2016), there is both good and bad side of domestic currency appreciation in terms of the foreign currency. For instance, if the AUD gets appreciated, then it will lead to rise in the import, which in turn will cause a reduction in Balance of Payments of the country. Moreover, Australia under the AUSFTA pact cannot bring in import substitution to gauge the rise in import from the US. In addition to this if the Reserve Bank of Australia takes steps to enhance the interest rate, then it will lead to fall in market liquidity, which will further escalate into reduced demand (Bramble 2015). Thus, it is highly questionable, that whether the aforementioned strategies can be a reasonable economic policy or not. However, if the Australian government can take corrective measure in the form of import substitution, technology generation and export promotion, then it will certainly make the above mentioned strategies an effective policy for appreciating the AUD in terms of the USD. Reference: Altbach, P.G. and De Wit, H., 2015. Internationalization and global tension: Lessons from history.Journal of studies in international education,19(1), pp.4-10. Bramble, T., 2015. The Australian economy after the mining boom.Red Flag. Caballero, R.J., Farhi, E. and Gourinchas, P.O., 2016. Safe asset scarcity and aggregate demand.American Economic Review,106(5), pp.513-18. Caselli, F., Koren, M., Lisicky, M. and Tenreyro, S., 2015.Diversification through trade(No. w21498). National Bureau of Economic Research. Cole, D. and Nightingale, S., 2016. Sensitivity of Australian trade to the exchange rate.Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, pp.13-20. Cooper, R.N., 2014. Exchange rate choices. Corazza, M. and Malliaris, A.T.G., 2015. Multi-fractality in foreign currency markets. Deutsch, K.W., 2015.Political Community and the North American Area. Princeton University Press. Eichenbaum, M., Johannsen, B.K. and Rebelo, S., 2017.Monetary policy and the predictability of nominal exchange rates(No. w23158). National Bureau of Economic Research. Eichenbaum, M., Johannsen, B.K. and Rebelo, S., 2017.Monetary policy and the predictability of nominal exchange rates(No. w23158). National Bureau of Economic Research. Engel, C., 2014. Exchange rates and interest parity. InHandbook of international economics(Vol. 4, pp. 453-522). Elsevier. Fernandes, K. (2017). Macroeconomic Factors Causing Variations in the Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee.International Journal on Global Business Management Research,6(2), 49. Gabaix, X. and Maggiori, M., 2015. International liquidity and exchange rate dynamics.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,130(3), pp.1369-1420. Gantz, D.A., 2016. Increasing the Host State's Regulatory Flexibility Under FTA Investment Chapters: US Approaches Under NAFTA, the AUSFTA and the TPP. Gauvin, L. and Rebillard, C., 2015. Towards Recoupling? Assessing the Global Impact of a Chinese Hard Landing Through Trade and Commodity Price Channels. Gilpin, R., 2016.The political economy of international relations. Princeton University Press. Hofmann, B., Shim, I. and Shin, H., 2016. Sovereign yields and the risk-taking channel of currency appreciation. Ismail, N. (2018).Australian dollar tipped to slide back to 70 US cents. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018]. Jammazi, R., Lahiani, A. and Nguyen, D.K., 2015. A wavelet-based nonlinear ARDL model for assessing the exchange rate pass-through to crude oil prices.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,34, pp.173-187. Jung, P. and Kuester, K., 2015. Optimal labor-market policy in recessions.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,7(2), pp.124-56. Mbogo, M.M., 2015.The effect of currency depreciation on financial performance: a study of manufacturing and allied companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange(Doctoral dissertation, United States International University Africa). Weale, M., Blake, A., Christodoulakis, N., Meade, J.E. and Vines, D., 2015.Macroeconomic policy: inflation, wealth and the exchange rate(Vol. 8). Routledge. Wiedmann, T.O., Schandl, H., Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Suh, S., West, J. and Kanemoto, K., 2015. The material footprint of nations.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,112(20), pp.6271-6276.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Legal Aspect of Health Care Essay Example

Legal Aspect of Health Care Essay The main goal is always to provide the best healthcare possible to a patient given the physical state they are in. There weren’t any expectations of miracles or extraordinary risk to bear but thankfulness to the doctor for doing his very best. Even if the result was death, the thoughts were that the doctor did all he could by making the patient better and for most, the goal was always to prevent demise. Our time’s have changed so has the preponderance of this paternalistic belief regarding the decision made concerning a persons care. Has a deterioration of trust in the provider tighten the reigns of control and switched the power to the hands of the consumer? Whatever the underlying cause may be, there has been an enormous shift in legislation since the days of old where its modifications are now holding physicians to an elevated level of responsibility when it comes to the degree of communication anticipated by the modern patient. This â€Å"general principle of law† that charges the physician with the obligation of divulging the risks linked to a recommended sequence of care will enable the patient to take consideration of their own welfare when choosing to undergo treatment, selecting a substitution or foregoing care and is known as Informed Consent (Dabbagh, 1999). To put it simply, informed consent allows the patient to be trained in the details of their condition, purpose of treatment, dangers and alternatives to come to a more knowledgeable resolution. There are four elements of informed consent that signify sufficient admonition: †¢Adequate disclosure of information. Patient’s comprehension of information. †¢Patient’s freedom of choice. †¢Patient’s capacity for decision making (Ascension Health, 2007). The following are also some elements that a plaintiff must make evident in a court of law to prove liability of informed consent. †¢Failure to adequately in form. †¢If adequately informed, patient would not consent. †¢Adverse consequences occurred. †¢Plaintiff suffered injuries. An evaluation of the case study involving Mrs. Sparza, as the circumstances apply to these four components of informed consent, will build a greater understanding and relevance for legal action. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Aspect of Health Care specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Aspect of Health Care specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Aspect of Health Care specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Mrs. Sparza seemed to have every thing in order as she and her son reviewed and signed her admissions paperwork on the day of her surgery, but things started to unravel quickly as she was being prepared and taken into the operating room. A key piece of information to point out is that Mrs. Sparza had prepared legal documentation, known as the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, designating her son and daughter as the medical decision makers if she became incapacitated. After receiving muscle relaxants prior to surgery, Mrs. Sparza was presented with a Surgical consent form which she was not able to understand because she did not speak English, could not comprehend under the influence of medication and was altered from the original parameters of surgery by including both eyes. In these facts lie the perpetrations of the first element to adequately disclose this new information before her capacity for decision was greatly disrupted. The doctor’s efforts to bring in an interpreter did not change the fact that her brain functions were altered due to the effects of the muscle relaxant, therefore it would have been illegal to ask her to make a decision based on he binding Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. Benak and Applegate supports that Mrs. Sparza’s distorted mental state took away her legal authority to give consent and immediately transferred this liability to her son and daughter (Journal for Forensic Nursing, 2006). Her initial refusal of the procedure reveals that if she were ade quately informed there is a possibility she would not have consented to surgery on both eyes consequently establishing one of the four elements against the physician for failure to obey the statutes of informed consent. In the article Grandmother’s Plea, the author states that the provider could have consulted the hospitals ethics committee in determining the competency of a patient in making a decision for or against treatment if he was unsure (Salladay, 2000). Instead, it is believed that Dr. Pinnette coaxed Mrs. Sparza into making the decision to proceed with the surgery. After the operation was completed and Mrs. Sparza was in an inpatient status, she had a heart attack, lost the use of her kidneys and went into a coma. The addition of these three adverse outcomes along with all the improper acts committed thus far, confirm the third element that could be central in convicting Dr. Pinnette of medical malpractice. In the introduction of the case study, Mrs. Sparza made a declaration that life support be terminated and no heroic efforts be taken in the event she succumbs to a coma. During the notification of the children, the physician was duty-bound to consult them as agents to Mrs. Sparza before placing her on dialysis. In the Journal of Medical Ethics it is stated that medical treatment allowed without consent is unlawful and could cause the defendant to be prosecuted for battery or a civil action for damages (Ferguson, 1997). When Dr. Lox refused to terminate life support he willfully disobeyed Mrs. Sparza’s end of life wishes and the decision made by her agents which implicated him for legal pursuit as well. The nurse’s compliance with the family’s request for comfort medicine in the form of morphine is legal given the order is validated through the physician. According to the position statement provided by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, the rule of double effect as it pertains to comfort medicines states: †¢The act must be good or morally neutral regardless of its consequence. †¢The clinician must intend to relieve pain although death may be foreseen but not intended. †¢The view must not be that the patient needs to die to relieve pain. †¢The benefit of achieving pain relief outweighs the risk of hastening death (Ersek et al, 2003). Contrary to this rule, Mrs. Esparza’s nurse administered the lethal dose to ease pain and expedite death which is a direct defiance of the purpose of comfort medicine and could cause him/her to be implicated in the suit. It is apparent in the large scale insolence of medical judgment that each guilty party connected was thoroughly unaware of their limits and the rights of the patient set forth by law. It is also probable that the physicians and nurse involved fully understood their roles but wished to disregard those boundaries which can result in the surrender of their practices and the degradation of their current lifestyles. Nonetheless, it is certain that the penalty each person faces will never prevail over the basic human right to have a choice. References: 1. Ascension Health (2007). Healthcare Ethics: Principles of Informed Consent. Retrieved on January 18, 2010 from http://www. ascensionhealth. org/ethics/public/key_principles/informed_consent. asp. 2. Benak, L. D. and Applegate, S. (2006). Informed Consent and Issues Surrounding Lack of Capacity vs. Incompetence. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2 (1), pg. 48. Retrieved on 17 Aug 2009, from Proquest. 3. Dabbagh, N. (1999). Informed Consent Case Study. Retrieved on January 18, 2010 from http://itdev. gmu. edu/projects/ollbook/GallBladderUn/history3. htm. 4. Ersek, M. et al (2003). Providing Opioids at the End of Life. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association. Retrieved on January 18, 2010 from http://www. hpna. org/filemaintenance_view. aspx? ID=27. 5. Ferguson, P. (December 1997). Causing death or allowing to die? Developments in the law. Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6), 368. Retrieved on 17 Aug 2009, from Proquest. 6. Salladay, S. A. (August 2000). Grandmothers plea. Nursi ng 30 (8), 66. Retrieved on 17 Aug 2009, from Proquest.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Coens’ No Country for Old Men Essay Essay Example

Coens’ No Country for Old Men Essay Essay Example Coens’ No Country for Old Men Essay Paper Coens’ No Country for Old Men Essay Paper McCarthy’s renowned fresh. â€Å"No State for Old Men† was wonderfully handled by the couple managers. Joel and Ethan Coen in their altered version for the screen. one of the most praised movies of 2007 of the same name. The film had the format of a offense thriller. Just like the novel. the movie trades with the exciting adventuresome secret plan of a drug trade which goes incorrect and the cat- and- mouse play among the three major characters of the novel. Llewelyn Moss- the supporter. Anton Chigurh- the adversary and the old adult male Sheriff Ed Tom Bell who supervises the probe. Before acquiring into the chief treatment whether the movie version has done proper justness to the novel or non. it is of import to cognize some of the basic inside informations of the fresh itself. â€Å"No State for Old Men† gets counted among the finest plants by the American writer. Cormac McCarthy. The narrative revolves round the incident of an illicit drug trade in a distant location. United States and Mexico Border in around 1980. There are four major characters in the fresh apart from Carla Jean Moss. the immature married woman of Llewelyn. Llewelyn Moss. the supporter is a welder who is the victim of the trade and Anton Chigurh is the adversary. the psychopathologic character with eyes â€Å"Blue as lapis. At one time glittering and wholly opaque. Like wet stones†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( McCarthy. Cormac. No State for Old Men. 2005 ) dark brown hair and dark skin color. In short. Chigurh is non a pleasant character. Sheriff Ed Tom Bell. the old adult male is a World War II veteran who is asked to transport out the probe of this drug trade. It is he who has to see the horrors of legion offenses and slayings. He tries his best to work out it and his reminiscences form the Page 2 core portion of the narrative. Carson Wells is the 4th adult male who gets into the action. He is the former lieutenant Colonel from Vietnam War and another gunman who has been specially hired to recover money from Chigurh. Most of the narrative is being narrated in 3rd individual which is interrupted by the first individual reminiscences from Ed Tom Bell. The novel comes up with the minimal duologue but McCarthy could make the mystical air which the readers enjoy most. Harmonizing to the critics. Anton Chigurh is â€Å"one of McCarthy’s most memorable creative activities. † Chigurh’s relentless trueness to retrieve the hard currency made him the most unusual character of the secret plan. He is ready to extinguish anyone who comes in between Moss and him. He knows his occupation and he is loyal to it. His usage of homemade arms like coffee- can silencer or aerate goaded cowss gun make him even more interesting to the readers. Sheriff Bell. the old adult male is therefore non suited for the mission he has been assigned. The modern epoch is in demand of another barbarous adult male to battle the sociopath like Chigurh. The fresh terminals with the disclosure of the rough truth that the old work forces will non happen an ideal state to populate in this modern epoch. The novel is an first-class offense thriller with the disclosure of the biggest truth of the â€Å"mercenary civilization† . † ( The Official Web Site of the Cormac McCarthy Society. No State for Old Men 2005 ) . The Coen brothers did a superb occupation every bit far as their handling of the subject of â€Å"No Country for Old Men† is concerned. The film is based on a well knit book which focuses on the episodes of the novel. The scene of the movie is precisely the same which the readers have Page 3 visualized while reading the novel by McCarthy. The first scene of the movie introduces us to the bare state side of West Texas. Josh Brolin is Llewelyn Moss in the movie who plays the perfect function of a tragic supporter who is chased by the sociopath Anton Chigurh. acted by Javier Bardem. The Coen Brothers did non bury the usage of the alone arms by Chigurh. A confined bolt handgun is shown to the viewing audiences in the scene where Chigurh strangles a deputy of Sheriff. The film involves tonss of hiting. concealing sequences. drive and running scenes to maintain the gait of the offense thriller in tact. The aim was that the viewing audiences must experience the pulsation of the bang. The existent adult male of the secret plan is certainly Sheriff Bell acted by Tommy Lee Jones. Lee Jones did a fantastic occupation in the movie playing the aging adult male who could non happen an ideal state to populate in. He realizes that he is non suited for today’s epoch. The chief characters serve as the loose terminals of the enigma that revolves round the drug trade. It was the undertaking of Coen Brothers to bind up these loose terminals in such a manner that the viewing audiences get the subject of the novel. The aim of McCarthy was non to demo the hiting accomplishments of these characters but the effects of exerting free will. game of opportunity and the predestination. The movie version succeeded in bring oning the nexus between destiny and circumstance into the heads of the viewing audiences. The motive of the novel like predestination. opportunity and free will or the dry relation between destiny and circumstance have been finely weaved in the scenes of the film. Chigurh decides his religion by tossing coin and this episode has been used by both the novelist and the managers to demo the huge importance of the subject of opportunity in life. Scott Foundas wondrous summaries the terminal of the movie in â€Å"The Village Voice† . â€Å"In the terminal. everyone in No Country for Old Men is both huntsman and hunted. members of some Page 4 endangered species seeking to prevent their extinction† . ( Scott Foundas. â€Å"Badlands† . Village Voice. Nov 6. 2007 ) A. O. Scott of New York Times remarks Bell. Chigurh and Moss â€Å"occupy the screen one at a clip. about neer looking in the frame together. even as their destinies become of all time more closely entwined† . ( Scott. A. O. 2007-11-09. â€Å"He Found a Bundle of Money. And Now There’s Hell to Pay† . New York Times: Performing Arts/Weekend Desk1 ) This was the aim of McCarthy and Cone Brothers and they succeeded in giving a proper form to this mission in their movie version of the same novel. Even Roger Ebert states that â€Å"the film demonstrates how pathetic ordinary human feelings are in the face of implacable injustice† in the Nov 8. 2007 edition of Chicago Sun- Times. In short. it can be said that the movie is the perfect version of the novel with really small changes. It captures everything from the enigma of the secret plan to the alone portraiture of the characters to the claustrophobic urban dark to the mid twenty-four hours unfastened sky of the bare land of Texas. Cinematographer Roger Deakins shot legion landscapes to mean that the movie is non about any celestial salvation but earthly wickedness which is devoid of any godly intercession. The novel has been brightly adapted in the movie and masterfully altered to function the intent. The critics have pointed out that each and every duologue and scene has been taken from the pages of the novel. Therefore. Coen Brothers did non let the critics to raise the issue which one is better. the novel or the movie version. Both can be considered to be a individual creative activity. The film highlights the subject of destiny which really picks up the adult male who is traveling to decease following. It is a game of fate and the characters are Page 5 mere marionettes in the custodies of the same although they think they are make up ones minding the undermentioned actions. Coen Brothers could present the message of the decease of society and immorality can non be defeated which McCarthy wanted to demo in his novel. It is non about the decease of any peculiar person but the decease of the human society. The great histrions should besides be credited for the success of the movie along with the managers. They delivered their best natural public presentations. Just like the book the movie is rather violent and bloody and therefore it accurately reflects the kernel of the original beginning. The Coen Brothers knew that casting is the most hard undertaking for the devising of â€Å"No Country for Old Men† . Sheriff Bell is the psyche of the film and the managers were reasonably serious about the choice of the histrion for the function. They picked up Tommy Lee Jones and succeeded in their mission. The managers knew that they were in demand of a genuinely great histrion and Lee Jones being a Texan was the most suited for the occupation. But the undertaking for choosing an histrion for the function of Moss was even more hard. Ultimately Coen Brothers found the histrion Josh Brolin. the discovery screen histrion who could understand the ground why Moss was introduced in the secret plan. Josh Brolin played his natural function in the movie. Now. the Coens were in hunt of Chigurh. the dark character missing the sense of wit as portrayed by McCarthy. Bardem was chosen after his immense success in Before Night Falls and The Sea Inside. Thus. casting was done brightly by the Coen Brothers to present the message of McCarthy. All the major histrions and actresses were nominated either for the Oscar or Emmy Award including the Scots actress. Kelly Page 6 Macdonald who was chosen for the function of Carla Jean. ( Interview with Joel and Ethan Coen in Emanuel Levy after the movie was premiered in the Cannes Film Fest 2007 ) The Cannes reappraisal states Cinematographer Roger Deakins captures everything from mid- twenty-four hours open- sky views to claustrophobic dark clip urban action ; in timing and tenseness. No State for Old Men is one of the most cliff-hanging movies the Coens have of all time made. which says a batch. Cormac McCarthy’s novel has besides been imposingly well- adapted- improved and altered. but however full of McCarthy’s clear. concise yet poetic voice. With all of the apparently standard- issue thriller secret plan devices in the piece-money. guns and trouble- there’s dim opportunity that some might non catch the smaller. subtler subjects of No Country for Old Men. which would be a shame ; this is a narrative about decease. non merely slaying ; this is a narrative about privation. non merely money ; this is a narrative of rule. non merely chase. †¦ . How we live. how we die. what we regret. what we fear. ( Rocchi James. May twentieth 2007. Cannes Review: No Country for Old Men. Cinematical. com ) No Country for Old Men was non the first venture of Coen Brothers every bit far as managing a offense thriller is concerned. In fact they are quite specializers in this genre. They handled the same genre in Blood Simple 1984. Joel wrote the narrative and it had the same sort of Texas puting as in McCarthy’s novel. It was all about A fly-by-night Texas investigator ( M. Emmet Walsh ) . on the trail of an extramarital twosome. is smarter than everybody else in the film but non luckier. as he realizes when his manus Page 7 gets stuck on a window shelf. ( Ranked among the 10 Best Coen Brothers Moments by TIME in an article by Richard Corliss ) Blood Simple was non that popular as No Country for Old Men. But it is rather apparent that Coen Brothers were non freshmans when they took up the narrative by McCarthy for a successful movie version of the same. In Fargo 1996. Coen Brothers filmed the narrative of a auto salesman who hired work forces to nobble his ain married woman for a amount of 80 thousand dollars. The offense finally led to a concatenation of slayings and an probe procedure. Coens managed to acquire seven Academy Nominations for this movie and won the Best Original Screenplay and Best Actress Award. The movie besides earned positive response at the Cannes Film Fest 1996. Therefore. Coen Brothers had already mastered the art of shooting a offense thriller secret plan by the clip they ventured into No Country for Old Men. No State for Old Men is decidedly a movie of better quality than Blood Simple and Fargo. This movie bagged three British Academy Film Awards. four Academy Awards for Best Director. Best Picture. Best Supporting Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay along with two Golden Globes. But the movie No Country for Old Men is non appreciated by all. Some critics are non happy with the movie version of the novel although the movie is the accurate version of the same. The reminiscences of Ed Tom Bell at the beginning of each chapter of the novel are losing in the movie. The viewing audiences admit that the film is interesting and they were impressed by Bradem’s public presentation but they complained that â€Å"the full movie is really Page 8 slow paced. and the stoping is improbably disconnected and thoroughly unsatisfying† . ( Film reappraisal posted by Melissa Niksic on 3rd Apr 2008 in virago. com ) The movie linguistic communication has to be different than the linguistic communication of the novel merely because these are two wholly different media of looks. There was about no music in the full movie. The aim was to present the message through the silence. It is true that this is non a film for everyone. Those who love to watch offense thrillers or are good acquainted with Coen Brothers’ manner. they will certainly love it. Otherwise. the film is excessively much about trailing. slaying. blood and chase. But we can non fault the managers for that because that is what is at that place even in the novel. Although Coen Brothers have altered few scenes and ignored few chapters from the novel. that truly did non impact the message that need to be delivered. Every manager chooses the scenes that will lend to the development of the secret plan and disregard the 1s that are non relevant. The aim is to give a proper form to the novel and Coen Brothers have decidedly done that with fantastic casting. superb filming. and their techniques to weave the machination secret plan of a offense thriller. minimal duologue and minimal usage of music. The movie raises of import theological inquiries sing Truth and Justice and Judgment. It would be incorrect to knock the movie as a misunderstanding of the novel instead it has given a new dimension to the construct of the decease of society highlighted by McCarthy. The film is so a all right version of the novel with little pardonable changes to accommodate the linguistic communication of movie. We can pull the head covering of this treatment as it was summarized by Ryan Parker. The Graduate Theological Union in the movie reappraisal for No Country for Old Men in JRF. Page 9 The Coen brothers’ ability to weave comedy and play of the extreme earnestness. along with spot- on casting and flawless public presentations have all resulted in one of their best movies to day of the month and surely one full of fresh fish for theological treatment. ( Vol 11. No. 2 October 2007 ) Page 10 Work Cited Interview with Joel and Ethan Coen. Emanuel Levy. Cannes Film Fest 2007 Melissa Niksic. movie reappraisal. virago. com. posted on 3rd Apr 2008 McCarthy. Cormac. No State for Old Men. 2005 Richard Corliss. Ranked among the 10 Best Coen Brothers Moments. TIME Rocchi James. Cannes Review: No Country for Old Men. Cinematical. com. May twentieth 2007 Roger Ebert. Chicago Sun- Times. Nov 8. 2007 edition Ryan Parker. The Graduate Theological Union in the movie reappraisal for No Country for Old Men in JRF. Vol 11. No. 2 October 2007 Scott. A. O. â€Å"He Found a Bundle of Money. And Now There’s Hell to Pay† . New York Times: Performing Arts/Weekend Desk1. 2007-11-09 Scott Foundas. â€Å"Badlands† . Village Voice. Nov 6. 2007 The Official Web Site of the Cormac McCarthy Society. No State for Old Men 2005

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Court observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Court observation - Essay Example Some of the residents questioned by the police admitted to the three being drug dealers. The court used the evidence presented before it to either hold them accountable or rule otherwise (White 120). Ten minutes before the proceeding, the audience who are to follow the whole process took their seats in the courtroom. As one of the audience I took to the front seat in order to follow keenly and closely. At exactly 9 am we are guided into a standing ovation as the presiding judge entered the court room. Then the suspects were brought into the courtroom under a tight security (White 129). One of the clerks ordered silence. The judge requested one of the assigned clerks to read the case for the suspects to confirm their case. He proceeded to read to the suspects the democratic rights that they enjoy while in the court. The court rules were then read out to the court. That people were to remain silent during the sessions and no misconduct in the court. The suspects were asked to corporate and the lawyers to treat each other with respect. The police provided evidence they collected during their investigation and bared witness that these were the real suspects they caught. The witnesse s were given time to testify. They were called one by one and questioned in detail by the prosecutor, lawyers and the suspects The accused were given the chance to prove that they are not guilty. All of them pleaded not guilty. They did not agree with the prosecutions brief facts. The court was then subjected to hear the evidence from the prosecution and the accused listened to the facts, whether to agree with them or not (White 145). After conviction, the prosecutor then notified the court of the previous crime records of the accused. He mentioned two cases which three were suspected of other counts of crime including possession of illegal weapons. After the case was confirmed, the first

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Term Paper Example Historical background After the entry of troops of the Third Reich into Poland in October 1939, the occupation authorities issued the order according to which Jews had to pass their money to financial institutions. A person was allowed to keep no more than 2000 zlotys. In public transport, the Nazis placed offensive posters intended to incite ethnic hatred. Speaking about the reasons for creating ghettos in towns of Poland, the Nazis claimed that Jews were carriers of infectious diseases, and that their isolation would help to protect non-Jewish population from the epidemics. In March 1940 a number of urban areas with high concentrations of Jewish population had been declared a quarantine zone. From these areas about 113.000 Poles were expelled, and this place was inhabited by 138.000 Jews from other places. The decision to organize the ghetto was taken on October 16, 1940 by Governor-general Hans Frank. At this point in the ghetto, there were about 440,000 people (37% of the populat ion), while the area of ghetto was 4.5% of the area of Warsaw. Initially leaving the ghetto without permission was liable to imprisonment for a term of 9 months. Since November 1941 the death penalty was applied. On November 16 the ghetto was fenced with a wall. Life in the ghetto Issues within the ghetto were regulated by Judenrat, which was under the control of German authorities. Chairman of the Judenrat was Adam Czerniakow, who â€Å"refused to take advantage of opportunities to leave Poland in the early months of the occupation, and he held Jewish leaders who did so in contempt as traitors to their people† (Niewyk & Nicosia 175). Head of the Jewish police in the ghetto was Jozef Sherinsky (Berenbaum & Peck 599). Officially established food standards for the ghetto were specially calculated for the people to starve and die. In the second half of 1941, food standards for the Jews included 184 calories. However, due to illegally supplied food, real consumption averaged 1125 calories a day. Part of the population was engaged in German manufacturing. Thus, in the sewing industry of Walter Tebens 18 thousand Jews were employed. The working day lasted 12 hours with no weekends and holidays. Of the 110 thousand workers of ghetto only 27000 had a permanent job. Inside the ghetto illegal production of various goods was organized, raw materials for which were supplied in secret. Products were also smuggled for sale or exchange for food outside the ghetto. In addition to the legal 70 bakeries in the ghetto there were 800 illegal ones. The cost of illegal export from the ghetto was estimated at 10 million zlotys a month. Among the inhabitants of the ghetto there was a layer of people, whose activities and position provided them with relatively good life (traders, smugglers, members of the Judenrat, the agents of the Gestapo). Most of the residents suffered from malnutrition. There were problems with health: Once the ghettos were sealed, the uncontrollable sprea d of typhus became a major problem. Some estimate that there was a case of exanthematic typhus in every family in the Warsaw ghetto, affecting from one-quarter to one-third of the population (Soumerai & Schulz 100). The worst situation was with the Jews, displaced from other parts of Poland. Not having connections and acquaintances, they had difficulties in finding and securing income for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Different Types of Business Formation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Different Types of Business Formation - Essay Example Partnerships involve shared formation and ownership of a business by more than one individual. This business formation has several advantages, including more diverse sources of capital than sole proprietorship, ease of formation and management, and the sharing of responsibilities and combination of the partners’ complimentary skills (Spadaccini, 2013). However, partnerships also have disadvantages such as sharing of profits compared to sole proprietorship, unlimited liability, and taxation of partners as single entities in individual profit share. In the latter case, the partners are required to file tax reports on their share of the profits in individual income tax returns. In addition, partners are legally inseparable from the business and are therefore personally liable for the business’ obligations and can be pursued personally by creditors; while partners are also legally and personally liable for transactions made by one partner (Spadaccini, 2013). Corporations are owned by shareholders as independent legal entities. They have several advantages including the business’ ability to raise more capital via share offers, limited shareholder liability for business-incurred debts, and the ability to continue operations if the original owners leave the business (Mancuso, 2015). The corporation’s creditors cannot acquire the shareholders’ personal assets due to this limited liability, with shareholders only losing their investment in the business in form of the corporation’s assets.

Friday, November 15, 2019

History Of The Client Server Architecture

History Of The Client Server Architecture Hures was using mainframe computer system which was having too many disadvantages and running cost. Because of this reason we decided to propose Client server Architecture which is widely used in the global environment. The client server computing model is used most of the business frame. This technology was integrated with those particular companies. It will provide the multi services and huge storage capacity of data base. These systems also handle the difficult GUI progress tools. Hence client server Architecture having disadvantages too. Client Server mainly depends on the network design. If they dont have the proper network design network traffic would make serious problem in the production environment. Therefore i suggest client server architecture is the best way to make the business development to the particular Hures Company. I. INTRODUCTION This assignment will cover the main areas of the computer architecture. I will analysis and compare those system for present technology. How this technologies used to developed the hures company and there services. Normally I identified the two major system used by hures. Those are mainframe computer and client/server system. Mainframe computer, this type of computer how to help the particular company , what is the main usage of this structure, how it will affect the system compare to the new system and disadvantage of that architecture. Then the client server architecture is most famous method for the large companies. How easier and more efficient to manage inventory and track the software. Analysis the advantage and disadvantage and implement the new architecture for cover the current client server system. Hures will suggest using the intranet technology. I will analysis that technology how to help the particular system and how that will effect the system. Also how the intranet software affect the client server system. I identify the problems and I will propose the new architecture instant of client server structure. 1.0. Problem identification There are no unique behaviors to this specific problem because the Hures Company was run past twenty years. Now also it is running but the system is same what ever they have used before like mainframe computer and client server system. The new technology is introducing time to time but that particular company was not change according to that advanced of technology. According to their customer amount there service want be increase but Hures used the old same server system that will get outdated and those are not reorganized and improved with the time period of technology. Here some problem to using main frame computer. 2.0. Main Frame Computer This type of computer normally used by large organizations for there business purpose. Mainframe computer have the capability to run the several operating systems thats mean central processing units performing instruction at the same time this called parallel processing. There are very high volumes of input and output and emphasize throughput to hold the mainframe computers. Also mainframe has carrying out reliability for fault tolerant. 2.1. Classifies of main frame computer system having 1 to 16 CPUS the lie RAM memory range is 128Mb to 8Gb processing power range is 80Mips to 550Mips it contain different types of cabinets such as Storage, input/output and random access memory It has different process for different program such as task supervision, plan management, entertainment in installments, index, and inter address break and statements. 2.2. Advantage of the Mainframe computer the biggest information processing system critical or difficult applications because of multi users its stored enormous amount of data thats mean very big capacity high speed data processing Ex-1GOPS (giga operation per second) this is a characteristic operating system and technology distribution time It will do millions of data and concurrent communication serving thousand of simultaneous users this system normally based on UNIX and Linux operating system 2.3. Disadvantage of main frame computers The whole system needs a large space for the storage capacity and large cabinets that addressed the central processing unit thats mean cryptographic maintain, I/O handling, Memory handling and supervising. The market prize is very expensive compare than other systems. the users using the interface is still text it will work extraordinarily extensive the power utilization is very huge There for hures company faced the problem with main computer because that are very large and it need very big space. Also the maintenance cost is very high and it will generate the lots of heat then the property will getting damaged. 3.0. Client Server System This is sharing application design. This sharing is taking placed between the servers and client thats mean service providers and service requesters. Those are separate hardware rather than computer network. Server is a high routine host and it will run one or more programs in a particular machine, share the resources with clients. But client not share any resources with server but it can be request the resource form sever. Systems are created by assembling independent components, each of which contributes unique, specialized functions to the system as a whole. In the simplest arrangement, client components interact with users and with servers that manage various computing resources. In more sophisticated arrangements, some servers can also be clients of other servers. Clients and servers can use hardware and software uniquely suited to the required functions. In particular, front-end and back-end systems normally require computing resources that differ in type and power. Database management systems can employ hardware specifically designed for queries, while graphics functions can employ memory and computing resources that can generate and display intricate diagrams. [John Dryden, 1998] According to the above statement it said the client sent request the service to the server and server will accept and sent the service response to the client. This processing method is called client server system. 3.0.1. Sample Diagram Of client server system Client server system has three type of model such as 3.0.2. Single /One tire architecture This technology mean by the server will access by user at one time for some particular software application such as to use data, business logic and interface. 3.0.3. Double / Two tire architecture The server will access by client with the help of two layer software application. It has two type application front end this is work together with client, back end- functions are used to store data. The advantages are function development speed, it will well on work on standardize environment reasonably business law, and system security is very difficult on this model. 3.0.4. N/Multi/Three tire architecture The server will access by client with the help of three layers software application such as front end, component, back end. In this model, between the client and server another tire is used its called middleware. This tire function is the transaction processing, massage or application servers also it will manage the queuing, application implementation and database performance. 3.1. Properties of Client Server System Server made a decision what is the client need according to there request and where is stored. independent stage for hardware and operating system location of the server and client will see-through to he users It will work interchange function such client become a server, server become the client. this system has a scalability such as horizontally and vertically 3.2. Type of client server communications socket is this fully support to the unix to unix communication Remote produce cell is client will directly call the distance server Massage oriented middleware 3.3. Advantage and disadvantage of client server system. 3.3.1. Advantage Server is centralization like every thing control by server Scalability, whatever customer need in future sever can upgrade that application. Flexibility, upgrade the new technology Interoperability, client, server and network are work together. Accessibility, the remote and cross multiple access to the server development is easy low cost maintenance compare than mainframe user friendly, every thing Is operate ever easy 3.3.2. Disadvantage Dependability, the server wick damage or down the hole system will down. Lack of mature tools , according to the change of new technology the tools also will change lack of scalability, operating system of the network is not scalable. higher projected cost Network congestion due to the heavy loaded server by traffic. According to the hures client server system there some problem, within the hures infrastructure the range of network and size are not enough to their better services. Also need some additional services such email server and multiple servers to multiple-le applications. Also change the server OS and improve the network connectivity, data transfers and general understanding of the both workstation system. 4.0. Alternative system for client server system The best way is to be selecting the n tire system that is help to implement the hures service. In this manner the system will change their OS and increasing the services to client. Also develop to using peer to peer system to allow more users to share access to database application. This type of connection will improve the scalability of the network and improve the software development. The N tire architecture is face for upgrading system without chaining the back end front end application. In this manner the new technology is introduce such as component based development. This system has some advantage such as according to the customer time to time requirements it is easy to upgrade, created one component will reused for similar application and the creator can using build in interfaces. According that the hures need more customers with better service then the hures server is going to be upgraded such as change the OS system and introduced the new network connection technology like WiMAX, high speed LAN. Change of OS mean by called to reuse the components again with some standards such as Common Object request Broker Architecture Remote Method Invocation The different programming languages are allowed to communicate the both CORBA and RMI standards. 4.1. CORBA Any of the networks the computer application will communicate to work with independent. The standard protocol IIOP is used. This is an inbuilt functionality and fixed system. This will handle large number of clients and more reliability. Also this is real time system and used for large application. It is normally working in the three layers such as presentation, application and Data layers. corba using some protocol such as internet intra object request broker protocol, square socket layer inter object request broker protocol and hyper text intra object request broker protocol. Benefits of CORBA are Language liberty several languages like C++ and java. Portable for any of the operating system such as java, linx, unix, mac, windows and sun. Compatible for all new technology and liberty of data transfer, it will help to multi application process. The architecture of the CORBA Above the diagram describes the structure of CORBA. This is system will help to save the bandwidth and has a three interface such as operation, attribution and exception. There two new versions have been introduced in the market. Which are CORBA version 2.0 and CORBA version 3. Therefore the proposed system was very helpful to improve hures business such a way of improve the technology, quality and supply the multiple services. 5.0. Internet web technology This the internal network of the particular company. This is a protected logons to access information. Many companies like hures, only the employees and management to operate the company essential information using protected site. It was designed a simple programming like HTML, java and cascading style sheet. In this manner inside the company network severs will provided array type of connection to the different saved database. This technology is very helpful for the business development because low cost and saved time. 5.1. Planning and creation of intranet web technology This is a strategic significance of the particular company success on development and achievement. Also hardware and software are help to improve the planning like principle and objective of the intranet the management and realization responsible for who what to make like person or division data construction, role strategy and page layouts Defining the intranet security Controlled the input new data or update the exiting data 5.2. Characteristic of intranet technology Intranet idea and technologies are same as internet. The protocols are same as internet protocols such as HTTP, SMTP and FTP. Main interfaces to inheritance data system hosting corporate information. Intranet has some characteristic This is a better understood as a personal extension of the internet limited to a company This also differenced with extranets. Because intranet only used for employees and customers in inside the company. But extranet may access with clients, contractors and other accepted party. With the help of firewall intranet may provide the gateway to the internet on a network. After some user verification and encryption, the off-site employees can access the company information using virtual private network connectivity. 5.3. How it is use full for an organization It is used as commercial civilization-transform platforms. Discus the key issues, idea about management, productivity, quality and all other issues to the large no employees of that particular company. It is used to distribute the tools and application. It is manage by human resources or CIO departments of the company. It is very complex interface compare to the company public internet. 5.4. Benefits of intranet system Labor force efficiency mean by user can find the information about their roles and duties. Time mean by whatever employee will need they will put in the site. Communication means by to communicate planned proposal that have a global reach throughout the company. Business operation and management mean by developing and planning the application to carry the business. Cost Effective mean by the reduced the coast rather than send the doc by post. Put all necessary documents on the intranet. Promote common corporate culture mean by all clients can see same information. Enhance team work. Immediate updates. 5.6. Intranet strategies The company objectives will achieve to help of hardware and software system. This is a same concept as internet to browse the web and severs and restricted for the particular company. To consult parties who going to be use the intranet system according to their budgeting. According the application it has four types of role. 5.6.1. The role of the intranet system communication and teamwork mean by audio video conferencing, conversation and chat rooms and to operate the email transfers web publishing mean by create the hyperlinked multimedia application and data documents to publish business process and administration mean by processing, controlling and accessing intranet portal management mean by control everything by particular administration 5.7. The pros and cons of the intranet system. 5.7.1. Pros Reduce the cost in this manner company will inform the necessary thing to employees and other, upload in the portal rather than paper printing. Also reduce the sales and promotion, employee preparation and organization costs. Simple to use Economical to use. Reasonable hardware and software system cost The all protocol are support to operate because if internet like TCP/IP, HTML and FTP. Easy to access the Communication and operating intranet system. 5.7.2. Cons According to the rapid technology this not support to the upgrading software. Insufficient security facilities User support and system performance is very poor. The scalability is not effectively. Time consuming. No PC compatibility for all employees This not fully support to the developing organization. 6.0. Effect of intranet web technology over the client server system Intranet technology is an open network system. There no good network security system mean by not protected your company network system. The monitoring and controlling is very difficult because of access on outside sources. Consider the intranet usage in a particular company, if there large number of employees are working in that time everybody to be operate the intranet system. In this time the system was faced some problem such as If user using like that the particular server will get the heavy loaded because all user can request the service from server at the same time then server will able to answer the all request for certain time. Then it will overload. This happen will effect to outside service customer to that particular company. The server must manage to handle that situation by expanding the sever capacity and upgrade the new technology. Like upgrade the OS system. At the same time the server will take time to provide the service for those particular requests. It is normally called server response delay. This will affect the company services to outside. When the server is loaded then the there is the change to hardware crash of that particular system. Such as the hard disk and RAM memory will failure. User will plug their external interfaces to upload the threats/virus. Then is going to be shutdown your whole network system. Its called server down. When all users using at the same time that particular network will get the collision because of traffic. Then outside customer will get the service will receive in delay. The solution of this problem is the company will make sure the monitoring and secure the system. Using CCTV in various places inside the company and monitoring the users and give the priority usage. Then they can maintain the reliability of the company network. II. Conclusion By doing this Assignment I came to understand the Client Server Architecture subject more clearly and got a good experience. I described the client server system to that operational specification, implementation and bad effects. I think those information are very help full for the basic understand of client server system. Also I suggest the alternative system and explain how it will help to work with older system. i thick the hures company will upgrade the system, network connection and turn-into new technology it is very help full for the feature business approach. They reach the more customers and get more profit. III. Reference 1. [John Dryden. 1998] High -Performance client/server, John wiley son, chapter 2 p 29. 2. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 3. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 v 4. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 5. Retrived: Februar07, 2010

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Unemployment literally means a state of unpaid period. An unemployed is available for job, but his status is of no wage. On the contrary an employed man builds a status in the society. If a person does not acquire a job, his credibility and capability is questioned. Ego plays its role in this situation. The male ego is pinched when an unemployed is questioned in the society. INDUTRIAL AND LABOUR RELTIONS REVIEW,VOL 42, NO 3 APRIL 1989 According to US Bureau of Labour Statistics, before 1991 that is prior to the period of liberalization, the unemployment level of females around the year 1986 was estimated to be 6.6%. This study of unemployment rate was on the basis of gender. An unemployment trend has been explained though the National Sample Survey, 68th Round in which it illustrates that rural female’s unemployment rate has declined rapidly after 2004-05(7.0%) to 6.2% in 2011-12. Study on urban female unemployment rate it was 9.4% in 1999-2000 but declined drastically by 2011-12 and was estimated to be at 8.0%. The study shows the rise in woman workers seeking work both in rural and urban areas. Due to the female workers stepping into the work market, the unemployment rate has marginally declined meaning many found jobs. Case of unemployment alone is not the issue creating the masculinity crisis. Low waged workers also have an impact. This is due to the reason of men v/s men comparison in a particular society. Men of same age group when placed in different jobs face a clash of wage followed by silent hatred. Employment illustrates independence, respect and status in the society one lives in. Especially when highly educated men are unable to fix into a job, it is a matter of their personality crushing. The man of the socie... ... masculinities, this has created a level of tension among men in Haryana. According to 1991 Census 36.24% of the in the category of 15-44 years of age in Haryana was categorized under unmarried. In districts like Rohtak the percentage unmarried male was 44%. The reason cited was the polygamy, widower remarriage, and still existent custom of bride price among the lower strata. For the reasons cited, female sex ratio plays a major role. Aggression leads to worsening of relations between a man and woman or between two men. In the state, the situation of hypergamous marriages is model , where there are brides at the top. This has led to in a situation where employed male is in favourable position in context to get married while on the other hand the unemployed are not in such a position. With respect to marriage, the employed men are apt option than the unemployed.