Sunday, December 22, 2019

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises Relationships are an important part of life. From general friendships to romantic encounters, almost everyone has had some type of relationship. Sometimes relationships can get confusing, especially when love is involved. Most people, such as Lady Brett Ashley, from The Sun Also Rises, feel that love and sex go hand in hand in a romantic relationship. Although it is apparent that she is in love with Jacob Barnes, the main character, since he is not able to have sex, she does not want to try having any type of romantic relationship with him. You mustnt [touch her]. You must know. I cant stand it, thats all. (Hemingway, 34). This idea that one is not†¦show more content†¦Mostly because sometimes these flings become too attached to her and they just hang around all the time, trying to make something more out of it. Bretts gone off with men. But they werent ever Jews, and they didnt come and hang about afterwards.(148). During the war Jake, the main character, had an accident that made having a romantic relationship nearly impossible with anyone but a nun. From this incident, Jakes views on life and love have become quite different from Bretts. He understands that love and sex do not have to go hand in hand, but he also knows that this combination is what most people desire in a relationship. He tries to stay away from any type of romantic relationship because of this knowledge and ventures only into platonic relationships with women. Women made such swell friends. Awfully swell. In the first place, you had to be in love with a woman to have a basis of friendship. (152). It is very difficult for Jake to have to live with only platonic relationships because he was able to have romantic relationships before the war and so knows what he is missing. In order to cope with this reality, he resorts to various methods. The first is to have platonic relationships with as many people as he can. Jake is a nice guy who does not talk about himself very much and gets along with people very well. He knows many people who understand his dilemma and try not to remind him of what he isShow MoreRelatedThe Satire of H.G Wells1560 Words   |  7 Pagesindustrial revolution defined the means, while imperialism dictated who would have eventual control. H.G Wells explores both imperialism and the industrial revolution by taking them to extremes, and through his satire reflects the specific flaws of both processes as they changed the world around him. H.G Wells himself was a left wing socialist. Socialism essentially commands an abolition of class structure and a collective ownership of the means of production (Wikipedia, Socialism). Wells interest inRead MoreWhat The Two Basic Types Of Feedback Loops Are Positive Feedback2986 Words   |  12 Pagesgive an example for each. †¢ The two basic types of feedback loops are positive feedback and negative feedback. 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