Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Unemployment literally means a state of unpaid period. An unemployed is available for job, but his status is of no wage. On the contrary an employed man builds a status in the society. If a person does not acquire a job, his credibility and capability is questioned. Ego plays its role in this situation. The male ego is pinched when an unemployed is questioned in the society. INDUTRIAL AND LABOUR RELTIONS REVIEW,VOL 42, NO 3 APRIL 1989 According to US Bureau of Labour Statistics, before 1991 that is prior to the period of liberalization, the unemployment level of females around the year 1986 was estimated to be 6.6%. This study of unemployment rate was on the basis of gender. An unemployment trend has been explained though the National Sample Survey, 68th Round in which it illustrates that rural female’s unemployment rate has declined rapidly after 2004-05(7.0%) to 6.2% in 2011-12. Study on urban female unemployment rate it was 9.4% in 1999-2000 but declined drastically by 2011-12 and was estimated to be at 8.0%. The study shows the rise in woman workers seeking work both in rural and urban areas. Due to the female workers stepping into the work market, the unemployment rate has marginally declined meaning many found jobs. Case of unemployment alone is not the issue creating the masculinity crisis. Low waged workers also have an impact. This is due to the reason of men v/s men comparison in a particular society. Men of same age group when placed in different jobs face a clash of wage followed by silent hatred. Employment illustrates independence, respect and status in the society one lives in. Especially when highly educated men are unable to fix into a job, it is a matter of their personality crushing. The man of the socie... ... masculinities, this has created a level of tension among men in Haryana. According to 1991 Census 36.24% of the in the category of 15-44 years of age in Haryana was categorized under unmarried. In districts like Rohtak the percentage unmarried male was 44%. The reason cited was the polygamy, widower remarriage, and still existent custom of bride price among the lower strata. For the reasons cited, female sex ratio plays a major role. Aggression leads to worsening of relations between a man and woman or between two men. In the state, the situation of hypergamous marriages is model , where there are brides at the top. This has led to in a situation where employed male is in favourable position in context to get married while on the other hand the unemployed are not in such a position. With respect to marriage, the employed men are apt option than the unemployed.

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