Monday, December 30, 2019

Affirmative Action The Act Of Letting Someone Acquires...

Affirmative action, the act of letting someone acquires education and job opportunities because they were unable to do so before due to race, ethnicity, etc. Everyone came to the United States to learn and increase their education; however, due to the complications that some universities and schools enforce, how can they? America took years and years to convince that affirmative action is the best way for everyone to have the privilege to learn, regardless of race, ethnicity, or color. The baffling factor of how difficult the minorities have to face just so they can sit in a classroom and learn, while the non-minorities can benefit in all its glory. But atlas, things have changed. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Women have the equal†¦show more content†¦Even though they had that already, we can all learn together, right? We truly believe that affirmative action did set us on a wonderful path to help those who yearn for education and the workforce to have an equal chance jus t like everybody else; also, helps America become a more equal and diverse nation for all people. Everyone has the right to choose their career and academic goals, DO NOT decide for them because of the stereotypical image we all portray them as. If they want to be a Doctor, then we better see a whole lot of minority doctors. If the Whites get to have the same academic goals and higher learning like the minorities, then fine. Let them. Maybe this will take them off the â€Å"golden pedestal† for a while.  ¬Ã‚ ¬How does the â€Å"Ten Percent Rule† fall into affirmative action? Top headline: An incident happened at University of Texas  ¬where their â€Å"Ten percent rule† guarantees the applicant admission if they graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school senior class. Let’s freeze and define top 10 percent real quick. The top 10 percent defines as â€Å"campus officials attribute the results directly to the new state law granting automatic a dmission to students in the top 10% of their high school classes without regard to test scores, as well as to more aggressive recruitment activities† those who successfully achieve top 10 percent in high school that they are granted automatic admission to any school regardless of test

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises Relationships are an important part of life. From general friendships to romantic encounters, almost everyone has had some type of relationship. Sometimes relationships can get confusing, especially when love is involved. Most people, such as Lady Brett Ashley, from The Sun Also Rises, feel that love and sex go hand in hand in a romantic relationship. Although it is apparent that she is in love with Jacob Barnes, the main character, since he is not able to have sex, she does not want to try having any type of romantic relationship with him. You mustnt [touch her]. You must know. I cant stand it, thats all. (Hemingway, 34). This idea that one is not†¦show more content†¦Mostly because sometimes these flings become too attached to her and they just hang around all the time, trying to make something more out of it. Bretts gone off with men. But they werent ever Jews, and they didnt come and hang about afterwards.(148). During the war Jake, the main character, had an accident that made having a romantic relationship nearly impossible with anyone but a nun. From this incident, Jakes views on life and love have become quite different from Bretts. He understands that love and sex do not have to go hand in hand, but he also knows that this combination is what most people desire in a relationship. He tries to stay away from any type of romantic relationship because of this knowledge and ventures only into platonic relationships with women. Women made such swell friends. Awfully swell. In the first place, you had to be in love with a woman to have a basis of friendship. (152). It is very difficult for Jake to have to live with only platonic relationships because he was able to have romantic relationships before the war and so knows what he is missing. In order to cope with this reality, he resorts to various methods. The first is to have platonic relationships with as many people as he can. Jake is a nice guy who does not talk about himself very much and gets along with people very well. He knows many people who understand his dilemma and try not to remind him of what he isShow MoreRelatedThe Satire of H.G Wells1560 Words   |  7 Pagesindustrial revolution defined the means, while imperialism dictated who would have eventual control. H.G Wells explores both imperialism and the industrial revolution by taking them to extremes, and through his satire reflects the specific flaws of both processes as they changed the world around him. H.G Wells himself was a left wing socialist. Socialism essentially commands an abolition of class structure and a collective ownership of the means of production (Wikipedia, Socialism). Wells interest inRead MoreWhat The Two Basic Types Of Feedback Loops Are Positive Feedback2986 Words   |  12 Pagesgive an example for each. †¢ The two basic types of feedback loops are positive feedback and negative feedback. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used Free Essays

Vengeance is a powerful. Caesar’s slaying by Brutus sets Antony in motion to deceive his murderers into allowing him to speak to Rome. In his speech to the Romans, Antony turns Rome against Brutus using repetition to convey the irony in his own speech and discredit Brutus, as well as, applying meter to add emphasis to the mutiny, and contrast Brutus’s speech allowing him to connect with his countrymen. We will write a custom essay sample on Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used or any similar topic only for you Order Now Repetition is used powerfully throughout Antony’s speech to convey a multitude of thoughts, however, the repetition particularly lends to the irony of the piece. †¦let me not stir you up / To such a sudden flood of mutiny. † (188-189) is a prime example of the irony in his address. His intent from the beginning is to lead a revolt against Brutus and Caesar’s other murderers, the fact that he actually states he does not want to create a mutiny while stirring up these very same people to revolt is very ironic. Antony uses an ironic repetition to advance his efforts for a mutiny in the discrediting of Brutus. Before Antony takes the stage to talk to Rome, Brutus has just given a very lively speech and the Romans are partial to him. It is then necessary for Antony to use dramatic irony to deceive his countrymen that he believes that â€Å"†¦Brutus is an honourable man;† (61). When Antony first describes Brutus as honourable the audience agrees it is only after the fourth time he says this that the whole crowd realize the irony behind what he is saying.. Antony uses this irony to discredit Brutus’s honour and sway the Romans to join in a mutiny against Brutus. The meter in Antony’s speech is also a very key part in adding emphasis to the mutiny he wishes to instill in the Romans. Most lines have ten syllables however there are several lines with only nine syllables to add affect. Not only do these sentences have less syllables in common but also they end with ambition. For example â€Å"Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;† (72) the lost syllables place is taken by a pause that allows the Roman and the reader to reflect on the repeated word ambition. This pause allows the Antony to inflict the thought that it was not Caesar that was ambitious but Brutus instead. This meter allows Antony to incite the doubt of Brutus in the minds of Antony’s countrymen and incite them to revolt. Interestingly enough the meter in Antony’s speech also serves as a contrast to Brutus’s who spoke in prose. Antony is a nobleman as is Brutus and throughout the whole play the only part where their dialogue is not written in meter of some sort is when Brutus addresses his countrymen. Antony however speaks as if he is addressing another noble conveying the message that he sees them as equals to him, and that while Brutus speaks down to their level, Antony lifts them up to his equal. This allows him to then sympathize with his countrymen and relate to them so that it is easier to coax them to mutiny. How to cite Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Currency Depreciation on Financial Performance †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Currency Depreciation on Financial Performance. Answer: Introduction: 21st century is the era of internationalisation, where countries are getting attached with each other for mutual economic development (Altback and Wit 2015). For instance, Australia being one of the developed nations performs substantial amount of trade with the countries like UK, US and others (Cooper 2014). In order to shape the economy of the nations, international trade, plays an important role through determining the level of future growth. Exchange rate, on the other hand being the comparative value of domestic currency against the foreign currency takes a vital role in order to determine the flow of international trade. When it comes to Australia, then it can be seen that the country has a moderate exchange rate compared to the US dollar that makes it one of the stable economy in the world(Gabaix and Maggiori 2015). Determining the exchange rate is one of the toughest jobs due to eve evolving market scenario, however, over the period researchers has came with various solution (Corazza and Malliaris 2015). Among many, supply and demand framework can be considered as the simplest yet effect tool to determine the foreign exchange rate market. (Gilpin 2016) According to the given requirement for this task, below is the analysis of Australia US exchange rate through supply and demand framework as shown in figure 1: The figure below highlights the demand and supply framework of Australian exchange rate, where the demand curve D is drawn, which is based on the derived demand of the Australian goods and services. On the other hand Supply curve S in figure 1, has been drawn considering the importable aggregate demand (Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas 2016). Let the initial equilibrium takes place at point E, where the AUD/USD exchange rate is 80C USD against every unit of AUD and the AUD demand is Q. Now if there is rise in the demand of the AUD to the US citizens, then it will shift the demand curve D to rightward D1 position. At D1, equilibrium occurs at E1, where the AUDUSD is hypothetically as high as 81C USD for each unit of AUD. On the flip side, if there is fall in the demand of AUD to the US citizens, then it will lead to fall in demand from D to D2. At the new demand situation, equilibrium occurs at E2, where AUD hypothetically fell to 77C USD for each unit of AUD. Thus, depending upon the demand and supply framework, AUD/USD exchange can easily be explained as well the factors that can alter the same (Jammazi et al. 2015) Considering the explanation of foreign exchange rate scenario of the Australia US trade, it can be stated that Australia is one of the developed nations that follows the flexible market system (Wiedmann et al. 2015). Under various circumstances foreign exchange of Australia can get altered and supply and demand can point those factors easily. Factors that can lead to the fluctuation in the Australian dollar are as follows: Inflation rate with rise in inflation rate, there will be reduction in the demand of Australian dollar to the US citizen. Lowered demand will lead to fall in exchange rate on behalf of the Australia and it will cause depreciation of the Australian currency (Weale et al. 2015). Interest rate with change in the interest rate, there will be change in the foreign investment in the Australian bank, which in turn can lead to alteration in the foreign exchange of the Australian dollar. If the interest rate gets higher, then it would cost rise in exchange rate of AUD in terms of USD (Engel 2014). On the other hand a fall in interest rate will lead to depreciation of the AUD in terms of the USD. Growth rate with better gross prospect Australia can have their AUD appreciated in terms of the USD. Better growth will lead to rise in capability and stability of the nation and it will reflect on the US investors mind too. With better growth prospect, Australia can provide a positive outlook on the foreign investors, which will inherently appreciate the AUD. Nominal exchange rate can be acknowledged as the domestic currency number needed have a unit of foreign currency (Eichenbaum et al. 2017). If there is rise in nominal exchange rate, then it will lead to nominal depreciation and if there is fall then it will be nominal appreciation. Trade Weighted Index (TWI) on the other hand is one of the the multilateral exchange rate calculated through weighted average to domestic currency and foreign currencies utilising the average trade values between two countries (Caselli et al. 2015). Nominal exchange rate of figure 2 highlights the real AUDUSD exchange rate scenario. From the diagram it can be seen that there has been various ups and down in the nominal exchange rate between the two countries. AUDUSD nominal exchange rate hit its lowest during mid of 2015 due to recession in the US market (Jung and Kuester 2015). And next to this, nominal exchange rate of Australia has been trying hard to stabilise itself. From the upward sloping nominal exchange rate line it can be said that, present rise in iron ore demand and slump in the USD is leading the AUD to rise. Highlights the TWI of the Australia that highlights over the time there has been various fluctuations caused by the alteration in trade between two countries. During September of the 2015, there has been lowest amount of trade between the Australia and US due to recession in the US market and since then the trade has been rising between these two countries (Deutsch 2015. Post recession of 2015, it can be seen that there has been a rise in the TWI and presently with higher trade value between two countries TWI is tending towards a better future, highlighted by upward sloping TWI in the figure 3. Given article highlights various driving forces that can alter the AUD exchange rate in terms of the USD. The article initially highlights that there is rise in the AUD in terms of the USD, due to the recent slump in the USD (Ismail 2018). In addition to this recent rise in the export of the Australian tech metals has enhanced the countrys exchange rate in terms of the USD, however, once the mining boom is over and the USD get back to its strong position, then AUD will again slit back to the 70C bracket. In addition to this, the article has highlighted that Australian mining market is facing boom, however soon Chinese iron industry boom will constrain the same leading to fall in the AUD in terms of the USD (Gauvin and Rebillard 2015). The report additionally highlighted that there is fall in the Fed rate, which is causing a reduction in the investment in US banks, and a rise in investment of the Australian banks. Once the Fed starts to raise the interest rate, it will dry up the AUDU SD exchange rate again, as asserted by the given report. It can be seen that hypothetically Australian exchange rate demand and supply comes at equilibrium at point E, where the exchange rate is Ex and the quantity demanded of the AUD is Q. Now if there is rise in interest rate or country face growth due to expansionary fiscal policy, then it will lead to higher AUD demand to the US citizens. Higher demand will shift the initial demand curve D to D1 leading to rise in exchange rate from Ex to Ex1. On the other hand, if the AUD gets depreciated in terms of the USD, then it will lead to fall in the demand of the AUD, shown in the diagram by D2. At D2 demand curve, equilibrium occurs at E2 point, where the exchange rate is Ex2. So, it is clear that factor explained in the given article can easily be explained with the demand and supply framework of exchange rate (Feenstra 2015). If there is depreciation of one currency in terms of the other currency, then has both the positive and dark side. For instance, if there is depreciation of the domestic currency in terms of the foreign currency, then it would lead to better export for the domestic country (Cole and Nightingale 2016). With lower price of the domestic goods and services, foreign individuals will prefer to opt them at higher quantity, which in turn will lead to rise in the export and enhanced Balance of Payment for the country (Gabaix and Maggiori 2015). On the other hand, domestic investors or importer will face loss because there importable of buyable will become costlier with depreciation of the domestic currency with respect to the foreign currency. Considering this general economic framework of depreciation of domestic currency, being the manager of the firm that import electrical machinery, it can be said that the firm will face loss. With AUD became depreciated in terms of the USD, firms importa ble will become costlier, which will lead them to rise price. With higher price demand will fall, which will force them to price rise again (Mbogo 2015). The cycle will continue until there is equilibrium in demand and supply situation takes place for the importable. Whatever the equilibrium is, with lower AUD in terms of USD, importer will face loss and on the other hand here will be rise in export. Higher export will enhance the Australian balance of payment, which will ultimately lead to better off to the Australian economy. If the Australian dollar stabilise around 72C USD for each AUD, then various corrective measure can be taken by the Australian reserve bank to bring the AUD back to the 80C mark. Australian economy is growing at a stable 6.9% annual growth rate, however recent reduction in the Australian iron ore demand is leading to fall in the AUD in terms of the USD (Weale et al. 2015). This has effectively reduced the AUD exchange rate because Australian mining sector provide a substantial part to its GDP. In addition to this, it has been seen from the given article, there is a widening gap in Australian and US interest rate (Ismail 2018). With interest augmentation of the Fed by US, Australia can soon loss some amount of foreign investment, which will lead to fall in AUD exchange rate (Hofman et al. 2016). Thus as the corrective measurement to bring he AUD to 80C USD, Australian government need to utilise the tech metals export boom and additionally go for the export promotion. It will constrain the Chinese iron ore boom and help the Australian iron ore to insert into the US market . Next to this, Reserve Bank of Australia needs to enhance the interest rate, which will lead to rise in AUD through higher foreign investment. Above mentioned steps can certainly bring in the AUD to its desired position, however when it comes to the reasonability of the policies, then it is subjective in nature. As mentioned by the Gantz (2016), there is both good and bad side of domestic currency appreciation in terms of the foreign currency. For instance, if the AUD gets appreciated, then it will lead to rise in the import, which in turn will cause a reduction in Balance of Payments of the country. Moreover, Australia under the AUSFTA pact cannot bring in import substitution to gauge the rise in import from the US. In addition to this if the Reserve Bank of Australia takes steps to enhance the interest rate, then it will lead to fall in market liquidity, which will further escalate into reduced demand (Bramble 2015). Thus, it is highly questionable, that whether the aforementioned strategies can be a reasonable economic policy or not. However, if the Australian government can take corrective measure in the form of import substitution, technology generation and export promotion, then it will certainly make the above mentioned strategies an effective policy for appreciating the AUD in terms of the USD. Reference: Altbach, P.G. and De Wit, H., 2015. Internationalization and global tension: Lessons from history.Journal of studies in international education,19(1), pp.4-10. Bramble, T., 2015. The Australian economy after the mining boom.Red Flag. Caballero, R.J., Farhi, E. and Gourinchas, P.O., 2016. Safe asset scarcity and aggregate demand.American Economic Review,106(5), pp.513-18. Caselli, F., Koren, M., Lisicky, M. and Tenreyro, S., 2015.Diversification through trade(No. w21498). National Bureau of Economic Research. Cole, D. and Nightingale, S., 2016. 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