Friday, February 28, 2020

Psychological Issue Summary Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychological Issue Summary - Term Paper Example Irrational thoughts cause depression just as much as depression causes irrational thoughts. I would have a bipolar sufferer talk me through some of the things going through their heads and then suggest that they step into the role of devil's advocate for a moment and provide a counter view to what they perceive. I would use the four column approach to try to indicate to the patient that, no matter what the objective situation, they become depressed and suggest that it is their own thoughts and perceptions that are misleading them. I would then proceed to use behavioral therapy in that vein suggested by the work we did in the cognitive section. I would have them practice behaviors that they typically do when depressed, then work on making those behaviors extinct and replacing them with healthy behaviors. For example: I would have them walk through calling a friend to talk. Finally, it seems that most of the reasons people are depressed are interpersonal. Friends are distant or unfair or non-existent, one isn't dating or is having a bad relationship, one's boss is arbitrary, etc. Worse, there comes to be a cyclical pattern where someone who is depressed alienates people who are optimistic, making a wind tunnel effect and reducing their social circle.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

THE EARLY REPUBLIC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THE EARLY REPUBLIC - Essay Example Then there was the end of the war, and finally the Revolution with everything being left for the citizens to control1. Our struggles eventually bore fruits. Thereafter, several things changed in terms of the economic, social and political lives of our people; not just considerably but immensely. For a start, we now have our social freedom with us, something that was barely evident in the times of the colonial government. The peaceful coexistence evident between the natives was not something to talk about. Instead, there were colonially steered wrangles with the colonial government engineering wars between different kinsmen all to their benefit. Living together as a family without worries of being summoned to join the military is yet another achievement we cannot underestimate. Indigenous warriors would go as far as Fort Duquesne leaving behind wives and children in desolation. The social recognition the citizens enjoy right now is yet another achievement that cannot be taken for granted. To the colonialists, we were just elements of war and bridges to their unending endeavors. Secondly, we now have a grip of our economy; something that was beyond our reach back then. This very land we cultivate testifies to that. We can bravely produce our food crops without having to work on the British plantations. Most importantly, we now have land titles as opposed to the temporary land ownership that the colonialists bequeathed as after successful conquests. They would later come back to drive out the natives through devastating raids. The flourishing trade our kinsmen enjoy locally and beyond the regional borders is yet another dream come true. Back then, most Ohioans who ventured in business were small scale shopkeepers who only supplied local products. Moreover, we can boast of political freedom at this particular moment; one of the